Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cold Weather and Resolution Walking

I started a blog and then realized how hard it was for me to pick something I really wanted to talk about! I am usually full of words, and I can write a lot about anything. However, I find that I just don't want to share some things that I thought I wouldn't mind sharing. Here's my attempt at another blog:

The hot (and sometimes annoying) topic lately is the brutal, cold weather that's arrived again. Yes, it's stinkin' cold outside. We all know it. I've heard a lot lately that us people who used to like the winter weather now wish it would just go away and be spring already! This stands true for me. Does it you?  It's made exercising a little trickier. Who wants to think about going outside to walk when you can't even stand to sprint to and from your vehicle every day. (As I type this I'm getting a negative vibe from my husband who is standing over my shoulder asking me what the point of a blog is?) So.. Cold weather and 'resolution walking'.. too many people make their New Year Resolution to lose weight and then don't follow through. :: Hand in the air like a school kid :: I am guilty of this. I told myself this year that I really wasn't even making a "resolution" to lose weight. I'm making healthier choices and hoping to lose a few pounds in the process. After all, I have so much to look forward to in 2014. (Maybe I'll be brave enough to share those things in later blogs. I'm still working on that.) So- because I so suddenly decided that I was going to stop just 'thinking' about making better food choices and just try it again, I figured I'd just kind-of call it a resolution. I don't voice that to people though (other than you). I don't want to get wrapped up in the idea that I have this big goal for myself. Resolutions seem to allow us to set ourselves up for failure. Lawrd knows I've set myself up for failure AND FAILED plenty of times. Surprisingly, I've managed to eat well for 7 days straight now. I've been plugging things in to the My Fitness Pal App and trying to get some activity in each day. This brings me to the reason for my blog title, "Cold Weather and Resolution Walking". I am so proud of myself (for once) for eating healthy and staying under, with the exception of yesterday, my allotted calorie count for seven whole days. (GO ME!) The stinky part is that the weather has just been crap and kept me from doing anything Sunday- Monday. For once I'm motivated and more importantly WANT to walk, but my blood will freeze if I try going out there! Not good. Not good at all. Tonight I said I was going to bundle up and get out there! This healthy eating makes me healthier, but losing weight means I must exercise. There's a difference. Eating Healthy in the kitchen is good for you, but you can't lose weight without the gym or whatever exercise method you choose. For me, it's the local track that's F-R-E-E. Fresh air is always good for us anyways. 

My track record for losing weight and/or being fit is not good. After a slue of problems, a crap metabolism, some thyroid issues and falling into the world of -eat what's convenient and tastes good-, I've gotten far off track from where I should be. Shame on me, right? One can only get back up and try again. It seems as though I've finally figured out the proper mind-set in keeping myself motivated. I literally do not think about tomorrow. I think about today. What I'm eating today and what exercises I will do today. All the previous times that I've attempted these similar "resolutions", I've immediately started worrying about how far I had to go and how hard it was going to be. I'm hoping I've finally figured out what's going to work for me. And, I hope you're figuring out what works for you no matter what your resolution might be. If you're trying to lose weight or 'get fit', I pray you get to where you want to be and find the happiness you deserve. Baby steps. All good decisions will make a difference. They'll add up. 

So, if it's 38+ degrees outside, I'll be walking and running bleachers. If it's below 38, I've still got to figure out what's going to work for me. Spring, where are you? I need the fresh air at the track! 

I guess that's all for now, folks! Enjoy your week. Stay warm. Find your motivation. 

the other Ashley Robbins